Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wealth and Professions


I am going to use a modification of the Wealth System in Modern D20. Since I am a fan of keeping things simple I will start with this.

Cost of Item DC Type of Items
Copper 5 Food, small trinkets or services
Silver 10 Good food, various utility items and goods
Gold 15 Rare foods, scrolls, potions, etc
per 10x Gold +5
per unit under 10 +1/x2 units Round up

Example: A Great Axe cost 20 Gold DC = 16, 15 (Gold) + 1 for being 20 (10x2)

Thus a Poor Person(Wealth of 5) Could easily make purchases of daily supplies but literally lives hand to mouth and buying anything more substantial would cause them to lose wealth. A Middle Class person (Wealth 10) could easily purchase daily needs, various items and equipments but more valuable or rare goods, like a potion or scroll, would cost them. An affluent person(Wealth 15) can easily buy most anything they needed or wanted for daily goods and items and more valuable items and equipment or land perhaps but would still be hard pressed to buy most magic but could indulge in the occasional item without worry.

GM NOTE: I am trying to keep thing simple here, I do not really see they “Lets get fat loots” as that much of a good campaign goal but do need something to control the system so lets see how this works.

Portable Holes and Bags of Holding

Portable Holes and Bags of Holding. These items do not work in my campaign. If you have one when you enter it starts to fidget and hop around and very quickly spews out all the items inside of it. It then lies flat and does not work anymore as long as its in my campaign setting, If you leave then it will function as normal but any items that “muck with dimensions” like there will have issues, aka not work.

GM NOTE: This things are just borked, I will never allow them in any of my games. EVER!

The Hexarchy Exchequer

The Hexarchy runs a banking and deposit box system. You may store any items at their many different locations worldwide and retrieve them from them at any time. Note that if you store your items in a different location then it will take a day to retrieve them for free. Money transfers are available immediately worldwide. This time is regardless of distance, however if you want to purchase a immediate transfer then the DC for having the item brought to you is that of having someone such whatever spell may be required to get it there for you.

GM NOTE: The GM will not screw you on your items or money. If you put something in then you, and only you(or your specifically designated friends, although you will be contacted if they try, can get it out again. Period. Trust me!


Base Professions and Wealth: 0 Plus 1 for having any Professional Skill
2d4 Roll
Bonus from Windfall Feat
Profession Bonus

Professions: from the Modern D20 System

Name Lands of Magic Equivalent
Academic Scholar
Adventurer Adventurer
Athlete Athlete
Blue Collar Burgher
Celebrity Celebrity
Creative Entertainer
Criminal Criminal
Dilettante Noble
Doctor Healer
Emergency Services City Servitor
Entrepreneur Merchant
Investigative Agent
Law Guard
Military Soldier
Religious Priest
Rural Farmer
Student Student
Technician Artificer
White Collar Clerk


KeltRay said...

PS: I will also be using the Blood and Fists Supplement from the Lightning Hand site as well.

Unknown said...

check out the 'bundle' on the lightninghand yahoo site. it has a much more robust listing of 'stuff' when compared to the standard supplement.

Also, are you going to come with with a gold to DC conversion algorithm? Or did you list one and I simply missed it?

KeltRay said...

I shall clarify in my next post, thanks for letting me know