Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Stranger Arrives In Kreigsport

Haakon Jungenson stood at some semblance of attention, his Tabard of the city of Kreigsport ruffling in the salty breeze off of the North Sea. He had been sentenced to 'Guarding the Sign' a duty even worse than boiling cabbage for carousing a bit to much the night before. He would occasionally peer upwards, eying the seagulls dreading the inevitable target practice they would enjoy.

“DUCHY OF (&!#*@^) NAXOS”

He couldn't help but read the footer of the sign, as it said so much and yet so little, as Haakon remembered the time before. The time of the Overlords. Of oppression. Nothing like now, with the Council.

Haakon sighed, rubbing the day old grizzle on his face as he noticed a Cog approaching guided by the harbormaster past the obstacles in the channel. Naxos may not be a great sea power, but the Council would be damned if they'd let Starprius or Zeeland just sail in and take it. It was bad enough with the yearly land sieges of the port town to have to worry about a sea-borne attack as well.

Hakkon glanced up at the Seawall rampart to make certain the ballista was manned, just in case.

Slowly, inexorably the Cog pulled up to the quay. Kreigsport was no Dalmstamen, but the Longshoremen were no slouches here. Soon after the Cog's barnacles had stopped grinding against the tarred pilings; the Longshoremen had tied her off, scrambled aboard and begun offloading her cargo as the ships Captain bellowed his instructions.

For a brief time bedlam reigned.

But Haakon didn't really notice – as this was normal. Rote. Just another cargo vessel offloading goods and taking on perishables. His attention was affixed on a strange traveler disembarking. The man was striking in appearance. A Njordsk perhaps? No – to short. Too strangely attired.

The Stranger moved across the deck with ease, not the familiar gait of a sailor, but someone who had no problems with balance. He wore a strange brown, leather overcoat and a wide brimmed hat – jarring and alien against the familiar sailor blouses and pantaloons.

The Stranger waived affably to the Captain as he stepped onto the pier, before he moved to take the reins of a warhorse with a strange saddle and a oddly metal framed pack with must have weighed a miserable amount to carry. He looked around the pier, examined the city briefly – almost with a look of wry amusement, before he headed directly toward Haakon and his sign.

Haakon was able to get a better look at the man as he approached, black hair poked from under his hat which framed a strong face sporting several days of growth and a patrician nose. The Strangers eyes were gray and moving, taking in everything at once. Under the overcoat he wore some sort of black tunic. Silk perhaps, not a poor man then, and dark trousers. He also wore a cloth belt, with some sort of golden bird embroidered on the end, with strange pouches and implements dangling from it. And heavy leather boots with steel toes. Haakon could now see a finely wrought sword poking over one shoulder, and what looked like a simple yet well made short sword strapped to his left leg. But hanging off the Strangers right shoulder and attached to his right leg were unidentifiable objects: black handles and what looked like crossbow triggers, but even more alien than everything else about the man. He moved with the confidence of a noble, and the self assurance of one martially skilled.

He straightened as the Stranger approached, trying not to look intimidated.
“Sir. Welcome to Kreigsport! There is a 5 pfenning levy for those who wish to enter Naxos and Kreigsport. I also must ask your business.”

“Well hiya. I'm here to get room, a good meal, and then look for Gunneld in the Enclosure. I think that's his name. Anyway. So. Thataway I take it? Oh and here's the pfennings you called them? Well that's interesting...”, he stated, vaguely gesturing toward the Searward Gate.

Haakon's eyes grew wide during this speech, as while he understood the words of the Stranger, his mouth moved with the different cadence of a foreign tongue. The words and mouth out of step it seemed. And underlying the words he understood was a gutteral tongue, unlike anything he'd ever heard.

Haakon bowed low, as is fitting for one of his station when spoken to by a high member of the Hexarchy and replied, “Lord, you will find the Enclosure within the main square. I bid you welcome and success in your endeavors!” With that he clicked his heels in salute and came to attention, staring off into space as is proper.

“Oooookay then. I'll be going now...” The Stranger trailed off, watching him warily as he headed to the Gate.

After a few moments, Haakon glanced over his shoulder to see the Stranger eying him, with a slight smirk on his face. Haakon snapped back to attention, studiously ignoring the Stranger, and the result of a seagulls flyby now freshening his Tabard as he wished for the smell of fermented, boiled cabbage.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Basics are done, Character time!


OK, I have put up on here the basics of the description of the campaign. Rather than continue to throw stuff out there I would like for people to chat with me and let me know what the are interested in.

The Basic premise is that the group is starting in the city of Kreigsport, Naxos on the Tralhalion Continent. Obviously this is a messy place, smack dab in the middle of a war zone, a bustling port, connections and ties to many locations and a hotbed of trade, social, magical and political activity! Sooo... where do we go from here.

So far I have Michael bringing in Captain Chuck who is interested in learning more about restocking his falling ammo supplies, learning about magic and "stuff" as well as having been told this place is a good one to find out about dimensional travel. Other than that it is pretty much wide open. Riker has expressed interest in playing a half-dragon barbarianish-with-two-personalities? character from the allied fragment of Moraingia who has come here seeking his(their) fortune. Teddy expressed some interest in playing a Wizard from the city of Tral'del and Barbara was tempted by something magicalish I think.

I have lots more printed out but rather than pile on the reading I am interested in getting ideas from you, the players! We will be starting up sometime in March so no immediate hurry. Let me know what you all are thinking.


The Hexarchy

The Hexarchy

The Hexarchy is the magical organization that governs the lives of the citizens of Tralhalion. Their Covenant-holds, Enclosures, and Chapter Houses are the equivalent of religious temples and arcane guilds combined. All the spell casting classes have their own Orders and maintain a widely varying presence across Tralhalion. Enclosures are typically large urban meeting places, Covenant-Holds are more secluded and usually rural while Chapter Houses are typically a small local office for one various far flung holdings of the various Orders.
The most common orders are the Sacred Enclosures of Hexarchy which acts as a central hub and communal meeting hall for the various orders and are were multiple orders often cooperate and meet with the other classes of society. These are the places a non-mystic is likely to encounter or meet with them. The Second most common order is that of the Order of Healing Waters, a divine order dedicated to Healing, Water and Protection. Their mystics are renown for their vows of poverty, charity and good works. They heal without thought of repayment of personal interest.
Other well known orders include the judicial Blue Stone Witchery. Who are known for the impartial and compelling legal decisions and the Enclosure of the Violet Flame, an order that specializes in magical cures, dealings with spirits and ghost and countering magical effects.
Local Orders such as the Order of the Veiled Mists that is popular along the eastern coast and is fairly involved in Enadarian politics and life are more typical of a localized order that is well known is a certain area but otherwise limited. Other examples include the Order of the Mind Mages, whose small but numerous Chapter Houses dot any and all cities to the newly organized People’s Arcanology and Divinology Orders in Naxos.
Each order is independent and reports to the Hexarch privately. The Convulcation is the name for the gathered orders.

Hexarchy Orders

So what is the Hexarchy? Is it a church? Sort of. Is it a magical research guild? Yes. Is a service organization? Yes. Is it a civil bureaucracy? Yes. Essentially the Hexarchy is the glue that holds all this disparate parts of the Tralhalion culture together. Whether you are in the remotest parts of northern Enadar or the most congested street in Tral’dek you can find a Chapter House, Enclosure or Covenant Hold nearby.
If the Hexarchy is a church then what is its religion? The key tenet of the Hexarchy is from their divine studies that the ancestors go to dwell in the lands of the dead for a time before venturing to the Upper or Lower Worlds. Neither is considered evil, but rather places of repose until the great turning of the wheel allows for reincarnation, if appropriate, and desired. They call this the Myst and say “As we come from the Myst so we all return to the Myst.” When you die you take with you the sum of your life experiences with you and merge with the Myst from whence you came, all you have done and been adding to its glory and power, there is no escape from this, your Fate or Doom. All will be known, all we be found. Since it is your obligation to do the best you can to add to the Myst there is a powerful incentive for proper action, civil responsibility and work in this life.
According to this belief, gods or spirits may have many names and many different cults or beliefs are accepted. The yearly ceremony of the Spirits and the various divine spells apparently proving the correctness of this view, the average citizens are satisfied and are generally kind, courteous and hard working. Saving for the future and thrifty behavior is common so as to prepare for the next generation. Ancestral shrines are commonplace and divinations to commune with ancestors are popular. Temple services are well attended and since Blesses and Healings are made freely available, faith is high and virtually no one doubts the sincerity, validity and worth of the Hexarchy.
Leadership of the Hexarchy

The Hexarchy is lead by a man called the High Hexarch. He has two additional leaders who report to him, the Decji, or elected political Leader of the Council of Seven Spire Cities, and the Overlord of the Duchy Court. Each order also reports directly to the High Hexarch as well. Currently, and unconventionally, Lord Ablelard is both the High Hexarch and Decji, a man of vast popularity and ability, albeit also one of great age and wisdom. Lord Rinehard of Rhuane leads the Duchy Court.
In terms of behavior the belief is best described as a ethical philosophy of education, one must seek the answers by bettering oneself and preparing for the Myst. Ask questions, seek answers, behave properly and be respectfully at all times, that is the proper way of life. Since the Hexarchy is glad to provide what spells it can the people are relatively well cared for and consider themselves lucky especially considering the nature of life in many other realms, about which horror stories of how life is lived have begun to circulate, especially in Zadak and Let-Abyssan.
Each of the Hexarchy Orders is essentially independent and report to the Decji. The leaders of the various orders are known as Mystic or Mage while individual members are known as Brother and Sister and then their Hexarchy name, which is assigned when they are fully accepted into the order at around level 4.

A list of various Hexarchy Orders

Name Interests
Sacred Enclosures of Hexarchy All Arcane, Divine, Psionic Arts
Healing Waters Light, Healing, Water, Divination
Blue Stone Witchery Enchant, Abjuration, Divination
Enclosure of the Violet Flame Cures,Abjuration, Spirits
Mind Mages Psionics, Crystal lore
People’s Arcanology&DivinologyAll magics
Starseers Astrology, Divination
Types of Magic

The Hexarchy is known as that for a reason, for when it was founded six different types of mages came together to create the organization. From the cerebral Mind Mages to the powerful casters of Wizardy and Arcane might to the Divine orders and the primitive but acknowledged masters of Njosk Magics the Hexarchy was born.

Type Called
Wizardry Wizardry, Arcani, Arcane Wielders
Sorcery & Bards Bloodline Magic, Sorcerers, Warlocks
Psionics Mind Magic (Yes, it counts as Magic)
Divine Divine, Inspirational Magic, Light/Dark
Druidry Druidry, Witchcraft
Shaman & Rune Njorsk Magic

Today, the pleasant appearance and glorious facades of the Sacred Enclosures hide their true nature, for while the Hexarchy may seem a monolith entity to outsiders only those who know its halls and ways come to understand that there is far more going on behind their veils and masks than anyone could dream.
On the one hand the Hexarchy fulfills two very distinct social roles. First, as the only international organization on Tralhalion, it serves to keep the peace, establish a benign rule of law and provided order and stability and a social covenant by which people can lead their lives. The other goal is that of education in the various arcane arts. Talented youngsters from across the lands are taken in, trained and educated to use their powers. While virtually all casters have thus been, and technically still are, members of the Hexarchy, many go on to become Lay Brothers and Sisters and generally return to their previous lives. Thus you can find spell casters in virtually any walk of life, although they all have access to the Hexarchy’s Halls they are not forced to walk the same path.

Hexarchy Politics

While the Hexarchy may appear monolithic to outsiders in fact it is quite diverse when one becomes aware of the distinction. First are foremost are the divisions between the different orders and groups. While they may cooperate each order is essentially independent and generally report individually to the High Hexarch and then the Decji.
As a result a large number of orders are essentially independent and stay that way. Still there are some broad treads within these groups. The current situation sees the Hexarchy divided along two lines and these divisions have been mirrored in the politics of the Spindles. That is to say the divisions are the Holders and the Advancers. Holders wish to keep things as they are while Advancers seek change. Currently the Holder retain power but with the success of the Sunsward holdings and the benefits garnered from Realm traffic the pendulum is slowly swinging the other way. In fact common everyday politics has swung ahead of the Courts in this regard and even large numbers of usually conservative Northerners are flocking to the Advancer cause.
Among the Holders there are three groups, the Traditionalists who seek to keep things as they believe they always have been. The Landers who seek to benefit the common people and nobles as well as the arcane, and the Isolations who seek to end contact with the other Realms, pull back from the dangerous push to the south and forcibly isolated themselves against any and all external threats. They even advocate ending the Njorsk Alliance and taking their lands by force as well as subjugating the peasants and enforcing old feudal laws and rights.
Advancers also have three groups. The Manifestors wish to push the boundaries of arcane lore while the Liberators wish to expand the Realm forcibly and take over other fragments and gift them with enlightened Hexarchy ways. The Voiders seek to explore the Void and find addition realms for the sake of knowledge.

The Southern Cities

The Seven Cities of the South

The southern cities are ruled by the Council of Seven, each a leader of one of the seven Spire-cities of the South. They are currently split into two camps, Holders seek stability and resist change and the Advancers who seek to expand the Realm.

Decji Ablelard-an elder and wise, if now somewhat doddering Transmuter, he is much beloved and has lead Tralhalion in a time of peace and plenty, a Holder from way back.
Lord Derakk Baneblade of Spiratyle-Ablelard son and heir, he is a man who loves battle and takes delight each year in the slaughter of thousands of orcs and goblins with his magics, also a Transmutation sorcerer, a traditional Holder.
Lord Pregar of Krohm-A wise and elder member of the Council of Seven, he is its’ current leader and keeps things flowing smoothly, a powerful Priest of the Light and hardline Holder.
Lord Rudolphe of Weyjanik-An academic, he runs the Grand Library and is a man of middle age, of common folk and a Conjurer of unsurpassed talents, solidly Holder, but interested in new ideas.

Lord Rekard of Spinebane-Young and powerful he is an Advancer nor a particularly nice person either. He is a Evoker of great power.
Lady Benyar of Xenarlis-A feisty and exotic female Advancer with dark looks and a talent for divination and the mental arts. She is said to be able to scry anyone, anywhere at any point in time.
Lady Zahonia of Tral’Del-the talented and popular leader of the oldest city on Tralhalion. She leads the populist Advancer Cause.
Lady Skylia of Whisperia-A leader in the fashion world via her line of clothing and perfume as well as being an incredibly adept Illusionist. Uncommitted but she is leaning Advancer.

The Spindles

The Spindles is the name for the southern lands of Tralhalion. Unlike the northern lands these are little more than rocky mountain promontories that just out into the sea. The elements dominate in these regions, storms are common and the seas treacherous. Very little life clung to these land except for lizards, insect, birds and dragons. When they arrived it was decided that one of the three hard scrabble valleys that exist here would be the best place to set up shop as it was unoccupied and protected from the creatures and humanoids of the north by the impassable central mountains.
Although life was hard at first they settlers found ways to deal with the difficulties of the land, first by making sure the dragons were not their enemies and then by carefully building up their settlements. In time seven cities came to dominate the regions each built up and jutting skyward as much as it spread horizontally. These spire-cities are the homes of the mystics of Tralhalion.
Unlike the hereditary nobles of the north the south is dominated by two forces-popular voting and magic. The princes here are elected. Virtually everyone here is a caster. From a very young age the Tral’hali need to be able to handle very inhospitable conditions, particular the vertical nature of their cities and so magic is a must. It is possible to be a non-mage here, but rare even for servants or the occasional non-gifted member of society

City Color Prince Party
Spiratyle Crimson Derakk Holder
Krohm Gold Pregar Holder
Weyjanik Topaz Rudophe Holder
Spinebane Evergreen Rekard Advancer
Xenarlis Cobalt Benyar Advancer
Tral’Del Indigo Zahonia Advancer
Whisperia Vermillion Skylia Indifferent

The Southern Cities

Unlike the north the southern cities are all very ancient. The first city Tral’del was established on the most fertile and largest river valley in the Spindles. Even with careful management of crops and extensive magical aid the population constantly suffered from food shortages. As a result the Tralhali turned to the sea and became avid fishermen and harvesters of the bounty of the southern seas. Eventually the city became overpopulated and colonies were sent out to the other habitable location in the south and over time they prospered as well. Although each city state tries to meet its need from internal supplies when possible with the colonization of the north this is no longer required as the abundant fields and farms provide for plenty of food for the population.
Although initially nearly identical in time each city began to develop their individual identities. Weyjanik is noted for its libraries, while Whisperia for its arts. Spirayle developed along more martial lines. Krohm became the center for the priestly classes and Xenarlis for its spices and perfumes, theatre and dance. Spinebane developed a powerful fleet and took the lead in trade and practical affairs such as business and industry. Tral’del is the most diverse but known still as the center for magical research.
Each city is built on a number of platforms or terraces, the lowest at sea level and then rising up from there. Whiles Tral’del, Krohm, Weyjanik and Xenarlis are situated on rivers with access to abundance supplies of river water and lands, Spiratyle, Spinebane and Whisperia are all located on terraced land where large deep natural cisterns created freshwater rain fed lakes. These three are fair more dependent on the sea for their survival and that is reflected in their maritime cultures.
Life is the south is more measured in restrained in public and more decadent and wild in private. Nearly 50 percent of the populace has some magical talent and the rest are generally their servants, guards or manual laborers. All citizens participate in elections, and public charities and functions are common.

The Duchy of Pragen

Pragen-The South Eastern Duchy of Tralhalion

Pragen is a land with a deceptive appearance. From its towering white cliffed coastline with its treacherous shoals and currents to the majestic mountains that form its northern and western borders, the land is one vast tableland of hills, dales and rolling green lands. While strange geoglyphs and ancient stone monuments dot the landscapem the land is home to vast herds of animals, primarily horses. The villages here are small and located on hilltops for defense against marauding humanoids as the somewhat chaotic peoples and tribes only recently settled down from their nomadic ways. The only large town is that of Portdeep, located at the mouth of the Winding Deep river that stretches nearly the length of the duchy. Only in the north does a break in the mountains allow “commerce” with its neighbor, Starprius.
And it is from Starprius that the problems of Pragen usually came, for the settlers from there saw the land as one big opportunity and have traditionally warred with it and annexed large sections of it from the city it New Celestan, which was once a Pragen town devoted to astrology and research of skies it has became a military and provincial capital of the Starprian conquered lands. Only recently as a result of its’ alliance with Naxos have the Pragen been able to begin to free their lands and push back the invaders. In addition to the Alliance, the native development of a new type of warfare based on well-defended mobile camps and cavalry drawn wagons loaded with shielded crossbowmen and pole weapon users has been so effective has this been that they have managed to free about one third of the conquered lands of the Duchy. Under the impressive generalship of Jaan Hziske the flamboyant warrior sorcerer and leader of the Duchy they hope to free the rest soon. In addition to his victories on the battlefield it is political savvy and modernizing beliefs of Jaan that have turned the tide for the Pragen. Tribal centers are becoming villages and cities. While plenty of people still live in their traditional ways they are beginning to come into their own as well.

The Duchy of Starprius

Starprius-The North Eastern Duchy of Tralhalion

Starprius is a land governed by Law. Its cities, mostly situated along its coast, are efficient, well run and orderly. it’s a land of plenty with well watered fields and bright, thrifty industrious people. The cities are organized on a regular pattern and the written word is taken very seriously here. The land is home to many scribes, scholars, writers and artist. They are excellent sailors and merchants and accountants.
Settled long ago it is one of the oldest of the Duchies and life proceeds here in a civilized fashion. It was chosen for settlement due to the offshore islands that provided safe bases for initial locations. As a result it, like its traditional nemesis Zeeland, it has little threat from humanoids although the insectile threats are manifold due to the unique geography of the land.
The area upland of the coastal plain is made up primarily of limestone, the most recent levels are filled with holes, tunnels, caverns and a landscape that can shoot suddenly upwards or downwards hundreds of feet. The strangeness of these lands is compounded by the fact that here, as in Mornpale, strange pre-Tralhali human ruins can be found here. Sometimes these ruins are at odd angles to the rest of the landscape as well. These can be exposed by weather or the all too frequent earthquakes and are often filled with dangerous and bizarre creatures and magics. Fortunately, these areas are well known and not frequented by many humans. They also give the area some of its strangest cities and locales, spectacular really, just very strange.
The Duchy is ruled by the Kaligan family of the bloodline of the great Star Eagle and traces its lineage back nearly 1500 years. Birds and other creatures of the air are popular pets here and the recent influx of exotic feathered beasts from the Sunsward Isles has reinvigorated that interest. Trained birds are commonplace and falconry is popular. Kites and flying spells and abilities are popular as well. The cities are the most like Spindle Cities in that regard, but magic is still rare here.

Map of Naxos

The Duchy of Mornpale

Mornpale-The South Central Duchy of Tralhalion

Mornpale is one of the oddest of Duchies in Tralhalion. Located in the south central of the country is had the odd nature of being largely uninvolved in the battles and squabbles of the other Duchies. It has remained neutral in the ongoing Naxos-Rhuane War and simply ignored the naval conflict between Zeeland and Starprius. The reason for this is not well understood.
The land here is a forest between mountains and constant struggles with the humanoid clans in the mountains keep them busy. And, along with Starprius, the land is scattered with ruins of pre-Tralhali civilizations. The land has also been heavily settled by elves and half elves, giving the land and large number of Hexarchy members and indeed there are large numbers of Covanent-Holds here and, even rarer, are the many private family libraries and magical groups only loosely involved with the Hexarchy Orders called the Lay Orders. This does given them a very large number of casters and a notable advantage in conflicts that can occur.
The capital city of Mistdark is a splendid town situated on a island in a lake on a river. Its location makes it virtually impossible to attack and also is home to a Hexarchy Telebridge Portal as well. The ruling Marlis family is descended from the great Metallic Dragons and has many sorcerers among their members, also Elven blood flows freely in their veins. Their archers are the best in all the lands of Tralhalion and their mages experts at scrying.
The land is also home to the Dwarven Mountain Fortress of Ironaxe, settled by renegade Njorsk dwarves. The people here once held out for centuries against the humanoid attacks and when finally convinced to form an alliance with the Tralhali, due to desperation, things finally went well. Although the vast majority of dwarves have become slaves to the giants they hope to liberate their fellows eventually. Ironaxe dwarves make some of the best magical items and have the best mining techniques and that combines with the scrolls and potion works and well as the alchemical centers make the land rich as well.
The basis of the Mornpale economy, aside from that of grains and cereal crops, is probably one of the most mixed in all the lands. Mining is a large part of the economy and the dwarves stronghold of Ironaxe provides much of that as do the outlying mines. Clay deposits along the river are some of the best in Tralhalion and pottery manufacture is commonplace as are the arts of weaving both various forest products into wicker and of wool. The great southern Forests are deep and dark and provide good game and hunting as well as home to many elves and archers. Fine cloth and finished goods as well as silken goods are made here and the regions medium sized cities are also noted for their excellent libraries, scroll and codex workshops, artists, potion and alchemical laboratories. On the whole the land is mostly self sufficient and due to the fairly high militia requirements the people are perhaps the most able to defend themselves, and they need to be as the land lies between the two largest humanoids lands that exist.

The Duchy of Zeeland

Zeeland-The Northernmost Duchy of Tralhalion

Zeeland is a land dominated by water. The only truly firm ground of the province is in the north were the rocky Rimspoint peninsula extends out into the Northern Seas, other than that the land is one vast marshland. The Zeelanders have always thus made their way via the sea, as fishermen, merchants and sailors. The capital city of Port Zee Dalstamen is a town perched precariously on rocks and stilts set into the marshy reeds of the large deepwater port that gives the region its reason for existence for here and only here is the peninsula small and flat enough to provide transshipment for goods from east to west without the long and treacherous journey around the Cape of Storms at the end of the Rimspoint.
The Zeelanders themselves are a tall people, as much descended from Njorst as Tralhali stock and the Port is as cosmopolitan an cities get. Unlike the cities of the south it is a a town of only a few stories but one in which roads are much replaced by water and canals. The difference between land and sea here is often an academic one. The people are adept at water control and plumbing and they are a proud people who are much used to the variable and wet weather, better bring your rain cape here or at least were a good waterproof broad brimmed hat for the storms here are violent and can come at unpredictable times thanks to the Great Circle Current that runs off its northern shore and funnels their strange weather from Rim and Sunward both towards them. Zeelanders are the best sailors and shipbuilders of the land.
The rest of Zeeland is the Great Tidal Marsh. A land of swamp and bog, of waterclogged rivers and bays. Its brackish waters are home to many snakes and amphibians as well as more nightmarish creatures. Rare plants and animals grown in abundance and only in the North were the now sizable New Landness territories has it been drained and turned into very rich and arable land cultivated with “floating island” farms and canals. However the wealth of Zeeland is in its fleet and ships not its land.

Map of the Northern Capes

The Duchy of Valeralia

Valeralia-The South West of Tralhalion

Valeralia is a new Duchy, founded only several hundred years ago. While lands near the lake have thrived and the Counties, known as Vales here, are well off and settled by herders, miners and townsfolk renown for their specialty crafts and handiworks. However, in contrast to the lands to its’ north, the majority of the lands of the Duchy are in fact in the hands of the orcs, goblins and Giants of the southern mountains. The Lakelands are safe and well protected and many prosperous miners exist in the rest of the area they are fortified settlements all to prone to attack and even siege by humanoids. When the humanoids come down from the Southdeep valleys the locals alert the authorities and retreat to the mountainous dwarven made Holdfasts and human made Lakecities. Most of the other cities are built up on the lakes and are protected by the Hexarchy Covenant-Houses that dot them and the Gossamer Winds Forest.
In fact the region is very popular with the Hexarchy, for which the local people are quite happy. The region is dotted with many rare herbs, animals and minerals. As such exploratory teams head out at all times of the year. Additionally, the snow covered sloped and alpine meadows are popular retreats for southern visitors. Add in the fact that the Hexarchy choose to establish a Telebridge Portal at the capital of Xaruch, which is the only large settlement in the region. However, numerous lake towns and hilltop castles dot the land for such is its mineral wealth that no matter how many humanoids live there they will be opened up.
The Voonkegin Family of the line of the Storm Giants has taken a step is unprecedented in the history of Tralhalion. Lead by Duke Darjon they have begun to negotiate with the humanoids and believe that the way of the future lies in cooperation not violence. However, currently only the Cloudrage tribe is interested in talking and yearly the Skullmasher, Bloodlasher and Spineripper tribes raid. Lady Zahonia of Tral’dek has taken a personal interest in this idea and is lending her considerable support to the effort.

The Duchy of Enadar

The Duchy of Enadar

Enadar is a land of fertile hills and dales. The land receives a lot of rain and as such it is the home of many dairy farms, chicken, cow, goat and sheep herds and is said to have the sweetest meats of any lands. Its’ forests produce many fine pigs, deer, furs and mushrooms. In the south the farms produce grapes and cereal grains, while in the north the land grows root vegetables and is dotted with many orchards and the hardier grains are grown. Its’ seas are bountiful and the northwestern capes host many fishing ships and trade vessels. The region has a large Njorsk populations along with a diversee population and large minority of non-humans.
The Hexarchy presence here is relatively light. While there are numerous covenant-holds they are fairly independent and stay mostly to themselves and out in the countryside. The exception to this being the Order of the Veiled Mists that is popular along its eastern coast and is fairly involved in Enadarian politics and life. The people along the eastern coast are very superstitious and always glad to have a mystic along at any point in time. Rumors of cities under the sea, great sea monsters and unpredictable weather plague the area. Due to the jutting rocks and treacherous currents most sailors stay well clear of the rocky Jutland Coast and sail far out to sea on the eastern side to avoid shipwrecks. The winds and currents are calmer on the lee side of the Jutlands and sailing is even considered recreational there.
Overall, Enadar is a relatively calm place although its bickering with Rhuane Duchy is legendary, other than that the only real threats are the humanoids from the southern valleys and in its moors are the omnipresent threat of insectile mound-colonies appearing, something fairly common here unfortunately. Rumors of ghosts and monsters plague the road from Elilstahl and Etinhaig and bandits are not uncommon. Piracy and Njorsk raiders are a perennial problem on the Jutland Sea as well but are considered a nuisance at their worse.

Map of Tralhalion (Main Isle 2000km by 3000km)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Duchy of Rhuane

Rhuane-The North Central of Tralhalion

The Duchy of Rhuane holds an important place in the Tralhalion economy with its industry, mining and river transportation. It is Rhuane that has the metals, minerals and materials that make the economy work. Unlike its more southerly neighbors the mountains here have been mostly tamed by centuries of hard work. While clans of orcs, goblins and giants still surface via there paths along the underground Dragondeep River the Rhuane are the attackers here not the defenders.
Rhuane is nearly a landlocked duchy and borders many neighbors, Enadar to the west, Valeralia to the south, Naxos to the east and Mornpale to the southeast. While its northern border extends to the sea the lands here are barren and desolate from saltwater floods as the region is prone to sinkholes and flooding from the sea. As such the wars it fights are frequent. The Duchy always has to be on the watch of its neighbors and has many land conflicts with them. As such martial prowess is highly regarded here and the art of fortifications is highly advanced.
The Vaandermuut Family is one of the most highly regarded in all the land. Of the noble Golden Lammasu Bloodline the bearers of the family proudly boast many Paladins and Priests of the Light. The Sun Lion Symbol of the family flies proudly from many banners.
Also important is the extensive control over the Rhuane River that the Duchy has. As, by treaty the river belongs entirely to the Rhuane Duchy and it makes tremendous profits off travel and control of mills and locks. Enadar in particular chaffs against this, but so far has been able to do little to usurp their control. On the other hand the recent expansion of Naxos to take over the port city of Jeiles and its considerable territory really smacks of humiliation. One they will seek to redress this year. Damn those tacticians and infantry squares of the Naxosian’s and the cavalry forts of their Pragen allies! At least they were defeated at Sabren & Trianbruuk.

Duchy of Naxos

The Central Duchy of Tralhalion-Naxos

Naxos is a land resurgent. Once dominated by the dark magics and ways of the demonic Bralon family, all but a few islands of the Duchy have now come under the control of the people themselves. So brutal were the repressions and violence after a disaster war with Mornpale and Starprius, which nearly lead to mass starvations and rampant crime while the indolent nobility luxuriated in the opulent pleasure palace, a revolution was lead by the berjers and peasant folk themselves. After the brutal armies and mercenaries were defeated, and with the hard fought and much sacrificed for consent of the Hexarchy the people now govern themselves. They have a unique form of government in comparison to the brutal tactics and lifestyle of the Bralons. As in the south all citizen are allowed to vote and the elected Revolutionary Council governs the land.
As a province Naxos has many advantages, its fertile lands are mild in climate and easy to cross. Agriculture flourishes here, many mines and rivers make transporting goods easy and the land has many trees for fuel. Animal husbandry is commonplace and herbs of cows and flocks of sheep dot the countryside. It however has one major disadvantage as well as its lands have virtually no natural defenses. The cities and dales are open to attack and often have been. In particular its wars with virtually all its neighbors while under the Bralons made it a source of constant warfare. Only the considerable demonic powers of the Bralon keep it safe for centuries under the most crushing type of repressive lifestyles. After it gained its freedom from them the land was invaded by virtually everyone, except Mornpale oddly.
As a result much land was lost to its neighbors and only recently has it won many of those territories back. Most irksome is the loss of the border city of Dnoste to Starprius in the east. The change was made possible by three things, an advance in infantry techniques and strategies, better forts and an alliance with Pragen.

Duchies, Cities and the Hexarch oh my!


In order to give you some more information about the world I am doing write ups about setting for the world I will be adding in some information about the various Duchies, the Southern Cities and the Hexarchy so you can get some ideas. Hope you find it useful.


Lands of Magic Setting Information

The Lands of Magic

The land of Tralhalion is one of eight dimension that exist in a loose political alliance known as the Lands of Magic. These eight dimensions, known as fragments, realms or lands were once part of the same universe but something happened eons ago and the universe was rent asunder. For many years the people of Tralhalion thought they were the only survivors but contacts a few hundred years ago proved that belief wrong. Gradually a group of eight worlds came together to be known as the Lands of Magic. Initially there were hostilities of course but in time all eight were imperiled by something known as the Dark Vortex, a dimension that seemed to be trying to destroy all eight worlds. The mages of each banded together to send the Dark Vortex away, hopefully never to return! Although mages such as seers and diviners keep a constant lookout for signs of its return, so far the lands appear to be safe. The eight lands are as follows.

Name Description
Tralhalion High fantasy realm similar to the of Renaissance Europe
Namkor A lush Asian/Polynesian realm ruled by priest kings
Omegia Dark Ages lands where mages rule a fractured world
Sebket Egyptian style land of pyramids, ghosts and undead lords
Lightwail Crystal and celestial world of fae, outsiders and psionics
Moraignia Matriarcial barbarian forest realm with shapeshifters
Zadak Demonic oil-sea where Hobbes’ anarchy reigns
Let-Abyssan Dark caverns where dark energies oppose worse horrors
Of the eight only Moraignia and Tralhalion are closely allied. Namkor does some trade with both of them while the others are pretty isolationist. Eventually players can go to the others but for now I am sticking pretty close to Kreigsport in the Naxos Duchy of Tralhalion and would prefer players to makes characters with ties to such.

Other Realms

It is known that there are lands beyond the eight realms of the Lands of Magic. Rarely ships and traders have arrived from them but its unusual. Exactly what this means for the future of Tralhalion and the Lands of Magic is unknown at this time and not part of the campaign at the start. Any classes and races are pretty much acceptable. Except gnomes and halflings, they are simply beardless dwarves. Fae and beastmen (lizardmen, cat people etc…) exist too, but very rare, talk to me if you are interested in those.

Setting Introduction to Tralhalion

Setting Introduction-Tralhalion

Hello Players just wanted to let you know more about the setting I am using for the game I am starting up in March. The campaign is initially set in the Town of Kreigsport, in the Duchy of Naxos in the land called Tralhalion. Just so you can get you bearings it’s a fairly standard High Fantasy type of setting with the world being roughly approximate to the mid 1400’s of our own era. The various lands represent a good slice of European cultures ranging across from the dark ages to the High Renaissance. I will provided more details as follows but first some snippets so you can get some ideas.
The World of Tralhalion is splint into three continents. The main land is the large continent about the size of Europe simply called Tralhalion. It is split in two by a vast rugged chain of mountains called the Skypeaks. To the south the civilized and decadent city-states of the Spindles dominate trade, magical powers and education. In the north the far more fertile lands provide resources, manpower and agricultural goods. Both are overseen by the magical Hexarchy, which oversees the education and training of any and all magical classes. Rather than being an over political entity, the Hexarchy is more of a social, religious and cultural organization and local politics are primarily run by local lords. Each of the seven southern city-states is essentially independent with each sending a single elected member to the Hexarchy Council (which acts like a court for disputes in the more convoluted politics of the southern lands) to advise the leader of the Hexarchy, know as the High Hexarch. The northern capes were once ruled each by a city but gained autonomy many years ago. The eight Dukes of each send a member to advise the Hexarch individually. The Skypeaks are the home of the surviving humanoid races of orcs, goblins and giants and they are not very hospitable place or people. Constant warfare exists between them and the humans. Elves and dwarves exist in the Trahali population but are rare outside of the Duchy of Mornpale.
To the north, or Rimward, lay the lands of the Njorsk. These are settlers who arrived long before the Tralhali and who settled on the cold and smaller Rimward Isles. The are more like Vikings and Scandinavians than anything else, rather barbaric and with a sizable dwarf, elf, and gnome population. They tend to be traders, keep to themselves and live in autonomous chiefdoms with constantly shifting alliances and feuds.
To the south lay the Sunsward Isles, a land of blistering heat and humidity and home to many nonhuman bestial races, noteworthy lizard men, monkey like creatures, feline humanoids and starfish people not to mention gigantic thunderlizards, AKA dinosaurs. A few Trahali colonies dot the land.

Welcoime to Kreigsport


Greetings travelers! If this is your first time in Tralhalion and the Northern Capes then please read the information below so as to more easily find your way in the world. After reading this sign, please find the Port Official, Sheriff or Gate Guard stationed nearby and inquire of them about local laws, customs or rule that may differ from those posted here. Mages should then find their way to the Enclosures of the Hexarchy as well, its easy to find as it will be the tallest building in town.
Now down to business!
The Northern Capes is the name for one of the nine duchies that govern the lands of the continent of Tralhalion. Your are currently in the…


(It appears that a word of hastily scratched out in the statement above)

There are eight Duchies in the Northern Capes they are named as follows

Starprius The oldest duchy located in the Northeast
Zeeland A land of marshes, lakes and isles in the far North
Rhuane Hilly lands located to the Northwest
Enadar A forested land in the far West
Naxos A land of rolling hills and grasslands in the Center
Mornpale A mist draped land to the far South
Pragen Plains and prairies in the Southeast
Valeralia A new and mountainous land to the Southwest

Although the laws, language, and culture are unique to each they all fall under the benevolent rule of the Hexarchy, bless be to all of you.

The Sign is stamped and carved with some rune and is signed, the sign posted by the Legate of the Revolutionary Council of Naxos in accordance with Hexarchy law. It then has a magic glyph affixed over it.

Gunthar Miller, Kreigsport Exarch. (Funny Looking Magic Rune)

Monday, January 26, 2009

To Clarify...

Bah, my drag and drop failed me...
Conversion is as follows
DC 0 for 1 Copper Piece
DC 5 for 1 Silver
DC 10 for 1 Gold
DC 15 for 10 Gold
+ 5 fpr x10

To convert Use Base Unit and the divide by 2 for pluses. An items const 50 gold would be base DC of 15(tens of gold) + 3(5/2) = 18

An item cost 800 gold would be 20 (100's of GP) + 4(8/2) = 24

I hope that helps

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wealth and Professions


I am going to use a modification of the Wealth System in Modern D20. Since I am a fan of keeping things simple I will start with this.

Cost of Item DC Type of Items
Copper 5 Food, small trinkets or services
Silver 10 Good food, various utility items and goods
Gold 15 Rare foods, scrolls, potions, etc
per 10x Gold +5
per unit under 10 +1/x2 units Round up

Example: A Great Axe cost 20 Gold DC = 16, 15 (Gold) + 1 for being 20 (10x2)

Thus a Poor Person(Wealth of 5) Could easily make purchases of daily supplies but literally lives hand to mouth and buying anything more substantial would cause them to lose wealth. A Middle Class person (Wealth 10) could easily purchase daily needs, various items and equipments but more valuable or rare goods, like a potion or scroll, would cost them. An affluent person(Wealth 15) can easily buy most anything they needed or wanted for daily goods and items and more valuable items and equipment or land perhaps but would still be hard pressed to buy most magic but could indulge in the occasional item without worry.

GM NOTE: I am trying to keep thing simple here, I do not really see they “Lets get fat loots” as that much of a good campaign goal but do need something to control the system so lets see how this works.

Portable Holes and Bags of Holding

Portable Holes and Bags of Holding. These items do not work in my campaign. If you have one when you enter it starts to fidget and hop around and very quickly spews out all the items inside of it. It then lies flat and does not work anymore as long as its in my campaign setting, If you leave then it will function as normal but any items that “muck with dimensions” like there will have issues, aka not work.

GM NOTE: This things are just borked, I will never allow them in any of my games. EVER!

The Hexarchy Exchequer

The Hexarchy runs a banking and deposit box system. You may store any items at their many different locations worldwide and retrieve them from them at any time. Note that if you store your items in a different location then it will take a day to retrieve them for free. Money transfers are available immediately worldwide. This time is regardless of distance, however if you want to purchase a immediate transfer then the DC for having the item brought to you is that of having someone such whatever spell may be required to get it there for you.

GM NOTE: The GM will not screw you on your items or money. If you put something in then you, and only you(or your specifically designated friends, although you will be contacted if they try, can get it out again. Period. Trust me!


Base Professions and Wealth: 0 Plus 1 for having any Professional Skill
2d4 Roll
Bonus from Windfall Feat
Profession Bonus

Professions: from the Modern D20 System

Name Lands of Magic Equivalent
Academic Scholar
Adventurer Adventurer
Athlete Athlete
Blue Collar Burgher
Celebrity Celebrity
Creative Entertainer
Criminal Criminal
Dilettante Noble
Doctor Healer
Emergency Services City Servitor
Entrepreneur Merchant
Investigative Agent
Law Guard
Military Soldier
Religious Priest
Rural Farmer
Student Student
Technician Artificer
White Collar Clerk

Some House Rules

Hello Gang, here are some House Rules that I have come up with to try and add a little more variety to the game and hopefully make it a bit more fun. If you have ideas or suggestions let me know what you think.

AetherRealms House Rules

Extra Skills: In order to encourage character development players are given 3 addition skill points per level but such skill points can only be spent on Knowledge, Craft and Professional skills.

Abort to Dodge: There are several modifications to the combat system that I am adding in. The first is the inclusion of the Out of Sequence Dodge. Players can abort their next action to Dodge and/or dive for cover. Such actions add 4 to your AC or Saves for things such as area of effect attacks. A character who uses this can take a 5 foot step with said action but forfeits all of his actions on his next action. The bonus applies until the character takes another action after that.

Combat Stances: As part of any combat actions players may choose one of three stances, Offensive, Normal or Defensive. Normal and Defensive actions are described in the rules. Offensive actions subtract 4 from the characters AC but give a +2 bonus to hit.

Combat Follow: A full round action in which you declare a single opponent and attempt to stay next to them. Regardless of their motion you may stay adjacent and can position yourself accordingly. You may only attack once per round and your move is limited by you normal movement rate. You may be attacked as normal during this time, but are considered in melee combat during the entire period.

Wounds/Vitality System: As presented in Unearth Arcana, Hit Points are replaced by Vitality and Negative HP are replaced by Wounds. As of right now the only modification I am doing is with Healing, Rather than the system as presented there Healing simply heals wounds first then Vitality. Dice rolls and amounts per level are just added together as normal.

Dying: At 0 Wounds make a Fortitude Check, -1 per each round after the first.
DC 10 Not dead yet, check next round
DC 15 Stabilized but unconscious
DC 20 Stabilize and awake

Action Points: Characters with AP may spend 1 AP to not die, 2 to stabilize and 3 to wake up. Such a purchase must be made before the roll.

Heal Skill: Using the Heal skill to apply first aid restores wounds and vitality as below. Such treatment can only be applied once to any given set of injuries and takes a minute of time to perform.

Level Wounds Vitiality
1-3 0 1d8
4-6 1 2d8
7-9 2 3d8
10+ 3 4d8

New Feat-Spellpoint System: Players from the Lands of Magic may purchase a Feat to be able to access the Spellpoint System. It should be noted that the feat is specific to a single specific Fragment. Thus a player can take the Feat Spellpoint System-Tralhalion and he can use the Spellpoint system while in Trahalion but if he travels to any other Realm he reverts to casting spells as normal immediately.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Hello all, I just thought I would take a moment to add you all as publishers to the site so you can post your ideas and thoughts here. I added all those I could grab the emails for that I thought might be interested in following it even if you are not playing. In that regards Roy is my twin brother who has been helping me with ideas and world construction so say hello when you get the chance. More to follow soon, Ray


Introduction to the Aetherrealms: The Lands of Magic Setting

Welcome players! The goal of this introduction is to set the base rules for creating characters in the game setting and rules I will be using to run my game starting in March. First and foremost I want to set out the base rules for the setting so players will know how to create and establish their characters. Secondary I will be providing some of the House Rules that I will be using for the campaign.
Base Rules: I will be using the following rules set as the core of the system. Nearly all of these resources are either online or downloadable for free. I invite the players to acquire copies for themselves but sadly so not have the finances to provide a copy to each player.

Core Rules: Pathfinder Beta
Supplemental Rules: Wealth System from Modern D20 (I will be adopting the DC...)
Unearthed Arcana: Armor Damage Reduction
Class Variants
Racial Variants, including Bloodlines
Multi-class and ECL Buyoff
Hexgrid and/or Map based Combat
Wounds and Vitalization
Spellpoint System(World Specific-see me) SRD Psionics
Blood and Fists Supplement from Lightning Hand SRD

House Rules: I will be using several.

Universal Weapon Finesse Option-Any character class can choose to have their Dexterity act as their bonus to hit rather than Strength. Simply note the change on your character sheet. Except for Barbarians and big critters most NPC's will be using this rule.

Optional Alignments: Alignments are not required, ever. They are optional in terms of game rules. Some guilds, classes or structures may have specific guidelines but they will be handled on a case by case basis. Yes, you could have a Chaotic Good Paladin of a Lawful Good diety, expect to have “issues” with the bureaucracy, often but you will still get your abilities.

Deity, Divine Power, Arcane Power and Dimensional Rules: Gods do not manifest directly anywhere in these lands. Avatars can be summoned, effects may be created, but you will not meet gods here(I make no promised about dreams or visions or trips to elsewhere...) just does not happen here. Also divine powers are not limited by dimension. A priest of the god “Utimo” who suddenly finds himself flung to a distant dimension where no one has ever heard of Utimo still gets his spells! There may be some”conditions” due to the nature of the plane(what do you mean I have to pray twice as mush seesh!) but the divine energies flow everywhere. Such conditions also exist for arcane energies also. Talk to your GM in any given situation. The Spellcraft Skill governs being able to sense and attune to such changes..

Characters: Start off with a 32 point character buy in. Starting Characters will have 10000 XP (aka 5th level). The starting location is the town of Kriegsport AKA Jeilez (depending on who you talk to) in the Naxos Duchy of the Fragment Trahalion in the Alliance of the Lands of Magic. Most races and classes are available although there are no Halflings anywhere in this part of the Campaign. Gnomes are more like small Fey and Beastmean(Human/Animal Hybrids) are not uncommon. More to come on the campaign setting soon.