Saturday, February 7, 2009

Personae and the Stage


After talking to a couple people I decided to more formally write a brief introduction to the campaign and setting for you all.

Dramatic Personae

A set of strangers will arrive in the war torn city of Kreigsport, each has their own reasons for being there, and each will be thrown together due to Fate and their own backgrounds and action. What will the do, what stories will be told of them in days to come, only the future will know!

GM Note: I will work with each player to make sure each character has 1 personal private reason for coming here, and at least 1 reason that they are connected to some other party member so they will have something in common. Just chat with me and we can work on it. This is the roll call so far.

Captain Chuck(Played by Michael): A tall pale stranger with
unusual items and strange ideas and a need to build a forge
and workshop to make really small arrowheads and funny smelling goop!
Half-Dragon Monk(Played by Riker): A traveler from the allied
Realm of Morraignia, which is a savage land of humans,
beasts, and great creatures that roam its lands. Ruled by a
Matriarchy and in the midst of its own problems what will he find here in
Priestess from Tral’del(Played by Barbara): A young acolyte from
the largest and most powerful of the southern cities.
Wizard from Tral’del(Played by Teddy): An ambitious young mage
come north, like so many, to find his fortune.
Fighter-Wizard of Krohm(Played by Alex): A devout Krohmian
interested in dark secrets and hidden cultists.
Jay and Manish, or anyone else, have yet to chat with me.

The Stage

The location: Kreigsport in the Naxos Duchy, formally Jeilez in the Rhuane Duchy.

Basic Premise: Two of the powerful Duchies of Tralhalion are at war. The traditional feudal, chivalric Duchy of Rhuane is fighting the rebellious and democratic Revolutionary Council of Naxos.
Currently the other 6 Duchies are looking on with a great deal of interest as though concerned by the more extreme aspects of the Naxosians(killing nobles…) they are nevertheless intrigued by the success they have had in the war and dealing with the social issues.
The Southern City-States, themselves quite democratic, are keeping out of the affair (at least as far as getting directly involved goes and, well, and until they get caught…). Many of them are very interested in the agricultural and social reforms as they may be beneficial or detrimental to their own communities and activities.
The Hexarchy itself has remained aloof and above such concerns, as is typical, however an unusual number of mages and priests have been seen, apparently they have been sent north to “investigate.”
So far the situation has been mostly a stalemate, but last year the Naxosians succeeding in capturing the coastal city of Jeilez, which they renamed Kreigsport(War Port).
It is expected that the Rhuanese will invade with a massive army to toss them out. Who will get involved in the affair? Who already is?
The Duchy of Pragen has obviously shared their new crossbow and armored war wagon technology with the Naxosians and while no formal treaty or announcement has been made the suspicious arrival of hundreds of Pragen and their horse is pretty much telling the tale of alliance. Zeeland is shipping these troops possibly because the other major northern maritime duchy, Straprius is at war with the Pragen, but they could also be allied.
Rumors abound about what is really going on and finding out is a high priority, for everyone. What is really going on in Naxos? How were a bunch of ill-equipped peasants able to take a heavily fortified town? What, or who, really underlies the Naxosian Rebellion? Is this just war and battle as normal in the north or is something more going on? What is made of the strange sightings of unusual vessels in northern waters? Piracy is on the rise and disappearances are common. It is the time of the greatest change in life and society in the history of the Lands of the Tralhali, what part will you play in it?

Ok gang, hopefully this should give you some idea of the setting and basic campaign premise.

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