Friday, February 27, 2009

Permanent Wealth


Just wanted to write down the Permanent Wealth modifications we discussed.

The Heir Feat gets you +10 Wealth but this is not permanent wealth, its just money as normal. Ludicrious amounts of it, but just money.

To get Permanent Wealth (it does not decrease below this value when you buy stuff) you must turn in 3 regular Wealth to get 1 Permanent Wealth, called Titles, Investments, etc... as desired for roleplaying purposes. You may exchange it back to normal wealth at your leisure also if you wish.
To try and avoid abuses I will only initially allow you to take a 10 when using Permanent Wealth. Taking a 20 would just make it overpowered I think but am willing to see how it goes this way first and see how it works or if it needs tweaking.

Buy long term bonds! Don't be a spendthift! Invest in your future!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Combat Experise

Dear Players,

I have been looking through Pathfinder Beta a realized that they seriously messed up Combat Expertise. I will be using the old SRD 3.5 version of it, where you could exchange up to 5 points from your To Hit to add to your AC, limited by your BAB. rather than the INT limit of the Pathfinder Rules. I think this was mentioned somewhere as a reversion they posted in notes for Pathfinder also but regardless it needs to be done so I am doing it anyway.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Combat Feats

New Combat Feats

Name Prerequisites Effect

Ambidextrous DEX 15 Add full bonus to all attacks

Attack Focus BAB +6 Give up attacks to gain +2 TH

Back to Back BAB +2 One adjacent ally cannot be flanked

Close Order Combat BAB +1 Change places

Concerted Attack BAB +3 +4 when you and allies Flank

Counter Charge Combat Reflexes Set bonus for weapons, 5’ step

Flurry of Blades Finesse, Focus, BAB +3, DEX 13 Gain EA

Hobbling Attacks INT 13, BAB+4 Slows Movement

Lightning Parry BAB +3 Give up attacks to gain +2 AC

Main Gauche Two Weapon Fighting Give up attacks to gain +4 AC

Near and Far - Use Reach Weapons in any square

Pack Attack - All Flank if one flanks

Perceptive Duelist - +2 to Initiative and Sense Motive

Pole Fighting STR 13, Simple Weapons Use Butt end as quarterstaff

Quick Strike Quick Draw, BAB +3 If Quick Draw +2 TH

Rank Fighting Simple Weapons Ignore cover of Allies

Reckless Attack BAB+1 +2 to hit, -4 to AC

Reflex Set Combat Reflexes AoO is Set vs. Charges

Shield… All Require Shield Proficiency

Missile Proof Combat Reflexes Block for self/other-Reflex Save

… Agility DEX 134, BAB+1 Ignore various penalties

… Cover DEX 13, Dodge, Mobility Do not suffer AoO from 1 enemy

… Defender BAB +6 Move action to give another +2 AC

… Edge Deflection BAB +4 Shield Mastery Shield counts vs. Touch Attacks

… Evasion Reflex Save +4, Lightning Reflexes Reflex save for damage is all not ½

… Expertise Shield Focus +1 to Shield Armor AC Bonus

… Focus BAB=1 Reduce Penalty by 1 & cast fail5%

… Mastery BAB+1 +2 AC vs. 1 opponent

… Rush Power Attack, BAB+1, STR13 Add Shield bonus to Rush

… Skill BAB+1 Defensive gains +2 AC

Sidestep Charge DEX 13, Dodge +4 AC vs. Charge, AoO if miss

Stand Still STR 13 Force an Opponent to stop

Sudden Action C. Reflexes, Quick Draw, I. Init., Mobility Act in Surprise Round

Team Fighting BAB +1` +1 TH, AC

Two Weapon Cleave Cleave, Two Weapon Fighting, DEX 13 Cleave with either weapon

Up and Down I. Trip, Near and Far +2 to Trip


Name Prerequisites Effect

Range Combat Expertise INT 13, Combat Expertise Trade TH for AC

Elven Archery Elf blood, Dex 13 Point Blank Shot BAB+4 DEX for Damage if within 30’

Bow Mastery Focus, BAB+3 Gain Focus for all bows/crossbows

Cleaving Shot Focus, Point Blank Shot, BAB+8 Cleave with Missile Weapon in 30’

Called Shot DEX 13 Dex based -TH for +Damage

Expert Aim Precise Shot, BAB+8 DEX for damage if within 30’

Opportunity Shot DEX 13, Rapid Shot, BAB+8 AoO in 30’ if not threatened

Pinpoint Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot +2 TH, Full action, no DEX to AC

Ranged Shield Pin Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +2 Negate Shield Bonuses

Sharp Shooting Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +3 Cover only adds +2 not +4 to AC

Ducking Shot Point Blank Shot, Dodge, DEX 13 +4 to AC vs. AoO

Elusive Target DEX 13, Defensive Arts -4 TH you with ranged while melee

One Handed Crossbow DEX 13 No penalties for…

Repeat Crossbow Mastery Repeating Crossbow Proficiency Reload with Move Action

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feats, Flaws, Traits and Bloodlines

Feat, Flaws, Traits, and Blooodlines

The basic way in which Feats and Flaws will work is as follows. One Flaw can be taken in order to pay for one Feat. Please do not go hog wild with this as it could become out of kilter very quickly. If you want more than one Flaw per 2 Character Levels we should talk. I am also redoing the way Bloodlines are done so they can work within the new system rather than the way in which Unearthed Arcana does them, which is rather unbalanced in regards to the Pathfinder. Traits are also being reworked to fit with this system as well.


As in the Pathfinder Rules Feats provide bonuses to your character. A feat generally will give one of the following, which, within rounding error are usually less than the above penalty. Miscellaneous Feats are handle by the way of the Pathfinder Rules.

General Feat List

Type of Feats and Bonuses
Attribute Bonus +1 on an attribute
Skill Bonus +4 on one skill or +2 on two skills
Save bonus +2 on a general save of +2 on 2 types
Increase Run Speed +5 feet per round
Initiative +4 on the roll
Other type* of Roll +1 on the roll
Miscellaneous Bonus As per Pathfinder

*Types of Rolls or Checks
Melee Combat or Ranged Combat (each is separate)
Armor Class, Melee or Ranged (-1 to the AC and the Armor Save)
Complex Skill Checks, Craft, Knowledge or Profession Checks


Flaws are things that significantly hinder you character be it in a physical, social of roleplaying situation. They tend to be more restrictive than the bonus you get from a feat because people naturally take things that will boost their preferred abilities while hindering those they do no emphasize, and also so the trade off does not unduly unbalance the game. A Flaw consists of the following possibilities, with others allowed by GM permission. Flaws will always have a numeretical effect associated with them.

General Flaw List

Flaws and Penalies
Attribute Reduction -2 to an Attribute
Skill Penalty -4 on a Skill or –2 on two skills(except*)
Save Penalty -3 on a general Save or –2 on 2 specifics
Run Speed -5 feet per round
Lower Hit Points -1 per level
Skill Points -1 per level
Initiative -5 on the roll
Type* of Roll -2 on a certain type of common Roll
Miscellaneous As accepted by GM(it will be numeritical)


Replace the way Traits are handled in Unearthed Arcana with this system of Flaws and Feats, with one Flaw paying for 1 Feat. For Example, a Hardy Feat (+2 on Fortitude Saves) could be balanced with Clumsy Flaw (–3 on Reflex Saves) or an Inattentive Flaw (-1 skill point per level).
Character can thus take a number of Feats and Flaws to represent character traits. This traits will generally be more pronounced than in the Unearthed Arcana system.

Bloodlines as Feats

Bloodlines Abilities now count as Feats.
First, when you take a Bloodline it counts as a Feat. For this you get the abilities listed under Sorcerer as the 1st level Power for the Bloodline. For Bloodlines not listed there in consult with your GM for guidance. Some are listed below.
After that initial buy in any additional Power or Feat Listed in Pathfinder counts as count as another Feat. So if you want the 3rd, 6th, etc… Bloodline powers/feats you must spend a Feat to take them. You do not need to follow the order in the book, but these are good guidelines. If you wish to take more than this then you may take a Flaw appropriate to your Bloodline to pay for a Feat.
While I am currently setting no hard and fast limit, roughly one Flaw could be taken at most every other level, plus one at the start, and even that will result in a rather extreme character rather quickly and thus you need to get GM permission for that. For example, a Bloodline Character could trade in one Feat from his Class list and take 2 Flaws and Start with 3 bloodline abilities. In this regards the Bloodline Powers are listed as Feats as follows. While decidedly different than the method of Unearth Arcana, I feel it makes up for the loss of levels inherent in that system.

General Bloodline Feats List (Each count as 1 Feat)

Abilities and Bonuses
Attribute Bonus +1 to an Attribute
Skills Bonus +2 to 2 Skills or +4 to one Skill
Resistance 1 Type of Damage Resistance of 5
Power A Power listed for a level
Feat A Feat listed for a Bloodline
Ability Smite, Armor, etc…
Saves +2 Save(Will) or 2 types(poison&fear, etc...)
Affinity +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive for 1 Species

For Example: A Celestial Major Bloodline Character traditionally would take the following. (In order), say a cleric,

At 20th level they would have lost 3 levels resulting in a loss of No Hit Dice –15 HP(1 Feat), -2 BAB(2 Feats), -5 on Saves in total(~2 feats), 6 high level spells per day (~3 feats), a Domain Power, Skill Points, an Attribute point, and 2 general Feats as well as level effects for casting spells and overcoming spell resistance and it come to about a total of 14 feats.

In return they have gained the following; Alertness (+2 Perception, Sense Motive), Wisdom +1, Ability-Protection From Evil 1t/d, Celestial Affinity, Resist Electricity 5, Magical Aptitude, Charisma +1, Poison Saves +2, Resist Cold 5, Improved Initiative, Constitution +1, Resist Acid 5, Armor +1, Damage Reduction, for a grand total of about 14 feats!

In other words it’s a wash, which is the way it was intended.

Now what happens with the new system is you spend your Feats to get the abilities, which results in the same effect except you are trading in the Feats and abilities as you level, no muss no fuss. If you want more abilities instead of paying for it in levels and losing all these this combined just take the appropriate Flaw. If you want to lose HP take Feeble, if you want to lose Skills take a Flaw. Add in the versatility of taking the powers in the order you wish and it’s a system that allows you to tailor the character more directly to what you want than what the rules lock you into. For Example since Celestial characters are supposed to be proud, holy and dedicated to the cause of the Light, appropriate Flaws might include : Honest (-2 to Bluff and Disguise), Guileless(-2 to Stealthy and Sleight of Hand) or Fanaticism(1 Less Skill point per level). 2 Peaceful Flaws(-2 to Melee and Ranged Attacks).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Guys and Dolls,

I am currently editting the Bloodlines stuff from Unearthed Arcana to make it fit in better with Pathfinder. If you were interested in this stuff let me know. I will post the changes when I am done. There will be no changes to the Pathfinder classes just alterations in how Bloodlines fit into the game.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Professions and Backgrounds


Just wanted to let you know that along with your character Class and Race, you can Choose a Origin Location and Occupation that will allow you to choose additional skills as class skills and modify your Wealth and Reputation score. The Origens are listed in an earlier post and rather than spend a lot of time recreating the wheel I am just going to let you pick a "Occupation" from the Modern D20(or other appropriate source) List and use that for your background. Just change the name to something appropriate. Instead of Police or Law Enforcement you are a City Guard... Just so you know!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Starting Wealth


Alex had a good question, how do I work starting wealth. Look for the basic post from earlier for conversions of GP to Wealth.

Starting Wealth is as follows (Except for Captain Chuck, already handled him)

+ 5(Average 2d4 roll)
+ 4(1 per additiona class level, Technically you are suppose to roll but ehh...)
+ 1 if you have ANY Profession Skills
+ Background Bonus for you "Job"
+ Origin Bonus for where you are from
+ Bonus from Windfall etc ... Feats taken
= Total

Minimum Wealth would be 9 which is low middle class or a well off peasant. it is not too hard to get up to 15 if you are from the southern cities(they have a +6 bonus)which would make you solidly middle class or well off nobility at 21 if you took Dilitente, etc ... .

After that you can spend it as listed earlier. Yes, you may buy magic items with this loot and call it family heirlooms, etc, but please chat with me about those.

All that being said money is usually not the biggest element in my games, it is kinda boring for a storyline. "Oh lets get rich..." Yawn... but I would HEAVILY suggest you not reduce your wealth to 0 or even say less than 5, because if you do you would not have enough money to eat or get a cheap arse room for the night... and beggars and the homeless do not do well in any society let alone one at war...

If you have any questions please ask.


Personae and the Stage


After talking to a couple people I decided to more formally write a brief introduction to the campaign and setting for you all.

Dramatic Personae

A set of strangers will arrive in the war torn city of Kreigsport, each has their own reasons for being there, and each will be thrown together due to Fate and their own backgrounds and action. What will the do, what stories will be told of them in days to come, only the future will know!

GM Note: I will work with each player to make sure each character has 1 personal private reason for coming here, and at least 1 reason that they are connected to some other party member so they will have something in common. Just chat with me and we can work on it. This is the roll call so far.

Captain Chuck(Played by Michael): A tall pale stranger with
unusual items and strange ideas and a need to build a forge
and workshop to make really small arrowheads and funny smelling goop!
Half-Dragon Monk(Played by Riker): A traveler from the allied
Realm of Morraignia, which is a savage land of humans,
beasts, and great creatures that roam its lands. Ruled by a
Matriarchy and in the midst of its own problems what will he find here in
Priestess from Tral’del(Played by Barbara): A young acolyte from
the largest and most powerful of the southern cities.
Wizard from Tral’del(Played by Teddy): An ambitious young mage
come north, like so many, to find his fortune.
Fighter-Wizard of Krohm(Played by Alex): A devout Krohmian
interested in dark secrets and hidden cultists.
Jay and Manish, or anyone else, have yet to chat with me.

The Stage

The location: Kreigsport in the Naxos Duchy, formally Jeilez in the Rhuane Duchy.

Basic Premise: Two of the powerful Duchies of Tralhalion are at war. The traditional feudal, chivalric Duchy of Rhuane is fighting the rebellious and democratic Revolutionary Council of Naxos.
Currently the other 6 Duchies are looking on with a great deal of interest as though concerned by the more extreme aspects of the Naxosians(killing nobles…) they are nevertheless intrigued by the success they have had in the war and dealing with the social issues.
The Southern City-States, themselves quite democratic, are keeping out of the affair (at least as far as getting directly involved goes and, well, and until they get caught…). Many of them are very interested in the agricultural and social reforms as they may be beneficial or detrimental to their own communities and activities.
The Hexarchy itself has remained aloof and above such concerns, as is typical, however an unusual number of mages and priests have been seen, apparently they have been sent north to “investigate.”
So far the situation has been mostly a stalemate, but last year the Naxosians succeeding in capturing the coastal city of Jeilez, which they renamed Kreigsport(War Port).
It is expected that the Rhuanese will invade with a massive army to toss them out. Who will get involved in the affair? Who already is?
The Duchy of Pragen has obviously shared their new crossbow and armored war wagon technology with the Naxosians and while no formal treaty or announcement has been made the suspicious arrival of hundreds of Pragen and their horse is pretty much telling the tale of alliance. Zeeland is shipping these troops possibly because the other major northern maritime duchy, Straprius is at war with the Pragen, but they could also be allied.
Rumors abound about what is really going on and finding out is a high priority, for everyone. What is really going on in Naxos? How were a bunch of ill-equipped peasants able to take a heavily fortified town? What, or who, really underlies the Naxosian Rebellion? Is this just war and battle as normal in the north or is something more going on? What is made of the strange sightings of unusual vessels in northern waters? Piracy is on the rise and disappearances are common. It is the time of the greatest change in life and society in the history of the Lands of the Tralhali, what part will you play in it?

Ok gang, hopefully this should give you some idea of the setting and basic campaign premise.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Characteer Backgrounds

OK Gang, I came up with something to help spur ideas I hope. Below you will find Backgrounds for each location. Players that choose to be from a certain locations can add these feat and skill bonuses to their characters.

Naxis Backgrounds-Choose Bralon or Naxos Revolutionary Council

Characters from House Bralon may choose any one of the following as their bonus Feat and may choose 2 skills from the list as Class Skills.

Feats: Stealthy, Alertness, Arcane Strike, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Iron Will Persuasive, Magical Aptitude

Skills: Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge(Engineering, Arcane, Nobility), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Bloodlines: Demon, Devil, Doppelganger, Vampire

Characters from the Naxos Revolutionay Council may choose any one of the following feats and 2 skills from the list. Alternately they may forgo the Feat and choose 4 skills as class skills. They have no Bloodlines.

Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Athletics, Iron Will, Deft Hands, Skill Focus

Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Knowledge(Any except Nobility, Planes), Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Survival

Place 2 Points in Wealth or Reputation-Your choice

Rhuane Background

Characters from the Rhuane Duchy may choose any one of the following feats and 1 skill from the list to be class skills.

Feats: Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Strike, Armor Proficiency(Any), Athletic, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Intimidating Prowess, Mounted Combat, Overhand Chop, Power Attack, Run, Self Sufficiency, Shield Proficiency, Cleave, Toughness

Skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Ride, Survival, Swim

Bloodlines: Lammasu(Celestial), Titan, Gold Dragon(Rare)

Wealth: +2 Reputation: +4

Mornpale Background

Characters from the Mornpale Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 2 skills from the list to be class skills.
Characters from Mornpale tend to reflect the more magical and mysterious nature of their Duchy. They are also well known for their dedication to specific arts and skills and a combat style that stresses speed and skill over power and brute force.

Feats: Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Arcane Strike, Athletic, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Persuasive, Quick Draw, Skill Focus, Weapon Finesse, Improved Critical

Skills: Perception, Survival, Stealth, Persuasion, Handle Animal, Appraise, Acrobatics, Climb, Diplomacy, Bluff, Heal, Knowledge-Any, Linguistics

Bloodlines: Any Metallic Dragon, Fey, Celestial(Rare), Giant(Rare)

Wealth: +2 Reputation: +2

Zeeland Background

Characters from the Zeeland Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 2 skills from the list to be class skills. Alternately, they may forgo the feat and take 4 skills. Zeelanders are known for their skills as sailors and merchants.

Feats: Acrobatics, Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Athletic, Deceitful, Persuasive, Rapid Reload, Skill Focus, Throw Anything,

Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, PS-Sailing and any other, Craft, Knowledge-(Geography, Nature, Engineering), Heal, Linguistics, Swim, Climb

Bloodlines: Water Elemental, Green Dragon

Wealth: +3 Reputation: +1

Pragen Background

Characters from the Pragen Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 2 skills from the list to be class skills.
The Pragen are a nomadic people who stress the importance of their animals and ranged combat as well as their survival skills. Almost all adults are competent horsemen and archers. The women of the tribes have taken the lead in crafts and producing the goods, skills and developing the towns and trade routes they are now developing. They are know to be very honest and do not give their word lightly as well as being fierce warriors.

Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Animal Affinity, Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Run, Improved Unarmed Strike, Agile Maneuvers, Deadly Aim

Skills: Crafts, Ride, Handle Animal, Survival, Climb, Stealth, Acrobatics

Bloodlines: Any chromatic Dragon

Wealth: +0 Reputation: +2

Starprius Name Background

Characters from the Starprius Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 1 skill from the list to be class skills.
Starprians stress the importance and precision and proper training, education and behavior. They are the most traditional and lawful of all the Duchies, citizens are well off and respected though out Tralhalion.

Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus, Skill Focus, Spell Focus, Persuasive, Armor or Shield Proficiency, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Skills: Appraise, Knowledge(Any), Swim, Climb, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive, Linguistics, Perform, Handle Animal(Birds typically)

Bloodlines: Star Eagle (Fire Elemental, Celestial, Titan Lines)

Wealth: +3 Reputation: +3

Enadar Name Background

Characters from the Enadar Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 2 skills from the list to be class skills.
The people of Enadar live in a peasant land and while they have bgun to develop more urbanized life and cities, most people live in feudal villages and rural surroundings. The blood of the fey and elves is evident here and many peasants have latent magical abilities and fey features.

Feats: Animal Affinity, Deceitful, Mounted Combat, Eschew Materials, Weapon Focus, Dazzling Display, Combat Expertise, Magical Aptitude

Skills: Perform, Linguistics, Knowledge-Nature, Swim, Climb, Appraise, Ride, Disguise

Bloodlines: Fey, Lycanthrope, Ogre

Wealth: +2 Reputation: +2

Valeralia Background

Characters from the Valeralia Duchy may choose any one of the following feat and 2 skills from the list to be class skills. Alternately they may forgo the skills and take an additional feat.
Valeralians come from a new duchy and one in which life can be very hard. The land is high up and cold winds sweep down the valleys. Additionally the interbreeding with the humanoids is more common here as well, for better or worse.

Feats: Stealthy, Toughness, Endurance, Athletic, Alertness, Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Rapid Reload, Magical Aptitude, Arcane Strike, Cold Bonus+2 to saves and Cold DR

Skills: Any Craft, Climb, Survival, Swim, Perception

Bloodlines: Any Giant

Wealth: +1 Reputation: +1

Southern Cities Background

Characters from the Southern Cities may choose any one of the following feat and 1 skill from the list to be class skills. Additionally they may take these from the list of specialty skills and feats from each individual city listed below.
While each city has its own unique culture and interests they share many features in common and travel between then is very common so all possibilities are open to them.

Feats: Alertness, Magical Aptitude, Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers, Quick Draw, Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft

Skills: Appraise, Perform, Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Perception, Spellcraft, Linguistics, Stealth, Disable Device, Acrobatics, Fly, Swim, Climb, Knowledge-(Any)

Bloodlines: All are permitted but they are all rare.

Wealth: +6 Reputation: +2

City Feat Skill
Weyjanik Skill Focus-Knowledge Any Craft
Whisperia Skill Focus-Perform Perform, Profession
Spiratyle Weapon Focus Any Armor
Krohm Any Cleric K-Religion, Heal
Xenarlis Deceitful Perform, Disguise
Spinebane Weapon Finesse K-Geo, Survival, Swim
Tral’del Any Arcane Spellcraft, Linguistics