Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wealth and Money


OK, after a couple of requests I just wanted to let you all know that I have been taking a long hard look at the Wealth System. I still think it can work, and even become easy to deal with.
Before anything else I wanted to let you know that the next adventure will in part be a way to make a little money, specifically you will have the opportunity via your contacts to get compensation for a task. Different players will have different goals but they shall be designed to work together so I will be letting you all know the options soon.
That being said after looking at the system I have come to the conclusion that "Taking a 20" is basically a good way to abuse the systm. Taking a 10 is fine, if you want to take a 20 thats like "buying a car" or "purchasing a house" AKA you really don't have that much money and are going into debt. Generally few NPC's will let you "take a 20" and if you do do so they will expect recompensation (Han Solo anyone... oh look a free Flaw!) Generally this world does not have people willing to give out money like that so don't expect it to happen much. Once again this does not apply to purchases already made but you are warned for the future.
Second your "Wealth" total for figuring gain or losing points is equal to your To Liquid Assests(Cash) plus 3xInvestments (Permanent Wealth). THe permanent wealth basically gives you a certain income that you don't have to worry about buy and spending up to that point.
Also note that if you do spend all your points on items and start to drop below 6 points of Wealth (aka 6 temporary wealth or 2 permanent wealth whichever or method of combination) then I will start mentioning starvation as you essenstially don't have a dime. You will temporarly lose 2 points of CON per point you are below 6. Now if you currently don't have this do not worry as after the next adventure I will make sure you have at least that much.
Also note that permanent wealth really cannot be taken away from you while I make no such claim for Liquid Assests, pickpockets and having items stolen from you is not exactly a big plan on my part but it is a violent world and flashing bling around in a sleazy bar is a sure way to attract attention.


1 comment:

Manish said...

6 wealth is the equivalent of 2 sp - i thought that peasants could survive on that so I'm not sure I understand the CON penalty. As for not taking 20, that sounds reasonable to me (I never take 20 anyway since I don't want to lose 2d6 wealth).