Monday, March 9, 2009

Calming Touch


Barbara brought up what must be omission in Pathfinder. Under the Community Domain the Calming Touch ability as listed allows for unlimited healing and removal of a variety of status effects. In keeping with Pathfinder's motif I will making the healing part of that power only work 1 time per day per person and after that it simply works like Stablize. The removal of various status effects still works whenever you wish to apply it. That seems fair, let me know what you all feel if you care to share.



Manish said...

It's only nonlethal damage (subdual damage) - it's not really that powerful of an ability and my recommendation would be to leave it as is.

Barb said...

Calming Touch (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action to heal the target of 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point per caster level. This touch also removes the fatigued, shaken, and sickened conditions (but has no effect on more severe conditions).

The problem is that we're using the vitality/wounds system.

"This system doesn’t differentiate between lethal and nonlethal damage. Attacks and effects that normally deal nonlethal damage reduce vitality points, except on a critical hit, in which case they reduce wound points." Just like a normal attack.

Using normal rules, Calming Touch is restricted by the ability to only affect subdual damage, when all damage becomes equal that restriction ceases to exist and the ability can be used to heal everyone to full for free, given enough time. That is why a new restriction was needed, I would have never needed to cast a cure spell unless I wanted to zap someone for a bunch of healing all at once using a higher level spell. Once per day per target for 1d6+5 healing and unlimited use of the fatigue, shaken, and sickened removal seems like a fair trade off.